Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reminder: SOLID roguelike code is good roguelike code

I have the strong suspicion that roguelike worldgen code tends to be very procedural. Even with object oriented languages, worldgen code has a natural tendency to turn into a large procedural class with procedural methods modifying procedural data in a very procedural way: little if any polymorphism and little if any interaction among objects with single well-defined responsibilities and behavior. But I recently refactored some worldgen code of mine and it's now several small classes that interact to build a world. It's of course much easier and safer to extend too. Here's how you too can turn procedural worldgen code into SOLID worlgen code.

The core idea is taken from an excellent post by the most excellent Mark Seemann where he introduces the concept of a Customization to his project AutoFixture. Here's the interface for a customization to a fixture:

public interface ICustomization
  void Customize(IFixture fixture);

And here's how it's used:

var fixture = new Fixture()
  .Customize(new DomainCustomization());

Neat. The ICustomization basically represents an arbitrary change to the default behavior of a fixture. This is very much like worldgen code - if you look at it a certain way. Start with a blank map, add a bunch of customizations, and you end up with an interesting world. One customization makes a lake, another adds a river, another adds a mountain, and on and on and on.

I took this idea and created a similar actionscript interface:

public interface Feature
  function addTo(grid:WorldGrid):void;

The various world features - lakes, rivers, towns, caves, fields, forests, etc - are each represented by a single class that implements Feature. Most are just a few lines but some are more complex and actually encapsulate logic that is only relevant to that feature. Creating a world with these features is also straightforward:

var grid:WorldGrid = new WorldGrid(width, height);
grid.add(new Shore());
grid.add(new Lake());
grid.add(new Lake());
grid.add(new Island());
// etc.

I wasn't sure if restructuring things like this would do much good or not but I'm convinced it has. Being able to add new features without touching existing code is such a great feeling that I'm trying to find more places to try out this ICustomization idea. What if customizations could change the overall world parameters like temperature or creature spawn rate? Could the core gameplay itself be customized and so that new features and subsystems like identification or poison be added just as easily?

None of this is new or difficult or all that remarkable on it's own. "Something that represents arbitrary changes" is a simple idea that won't revolutionize the roguelike world or the programming industry. You don't even have to learn any new acronym or framework or principle or anything else really. It's more like a reminder - which I need from time to time - of what happens when you consistently apply the Extract Class refactoring: good clean code.

1 comment:

  1. It almost looks like a domain-specific language.

    An abstract map description language would be cool. It would be even possible to describe the map and then generate it when needed.

    For me, the hardest part is how the different worldgen objects can interact with each other so that a nice looking and playable map is created in the end.
